Justice & Equity For All

We are dedicated to helping individuals and communities at the margins of society reach greater levels of self-sufficiency.

Pro Bono Clinics

Black & Latino
Immigration Clinic

Founded in 2015, the Clinic serves as a support network meant to increase attorney awareness, knowledge and engagement on pro bono immigration matters, and to inspire more attorneys to take on pro bono immigration matters and feel less daunted by the process.

LBGT Network
Name Change Clinic

Established to provide free legal name change services to low-income transgender people seeking to have their legal identities match their lived experience. Clients who receive assistance from the Clinic are referred by Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund.

WLI Housing Clinic

Attorneys who participate in the WLI Housing Clinic are focused on helping low-income tenants in New York public housing remain in and/or repair their homes. The outcomes in these cases, referred by The Legal Aid Society, Legal Services NYC and New York Legal Assistance Group, can make a life-changing difference for the financially-challenged clients we represent and their families, particularly when affordable housing in New York City is in such short supply.

Civil Rights

Cadwalader’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion’s Civil Rights Series is a unique program that consists of events that highlight civil rights issues featuring notable individuals and organizations at the forefront of today’s civil rights movement.


Amount raised to date through the Annual Covenant House Sleep Out to support homeless youth throughout North America.

Other Initiatives

Nonprofit Board Members

A number of our attorneys are making a difference by serving in leadership roles with various, diverse organizations dedicated to justice for all.

Sara Bussiere

serves on the Pro Bono Advisory Council of New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

Victor Celis

serves on the Pro Bono Advocates Council of Volunteers of Legal Service

Morgan Dennis

serves on the board of
Council for Children's Rights

Jason Halper

serves on the board of
The Legal Aid Society and Volunteers of Legal Service

Ellen Holloman

serves on the board of
New York Lawyers for
the Public Interest

Patrick Quinn

serves on the board of
The Legal Aid Society

Matthew Robertson

serves on the board of
Charlotte Center for
Legal Advocacy

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